Marketing...Is Yours Working Together?
Integrated Marketing has quickly replaced Big Data as today’s catch phrase, it’s critical for brands and marketers alike to understand...

Is Your Marketing Plan for 2016 in Place?
An annual marketing plan will keep your business on track with goals and objectives for the year and will also maximize marketing...

Customer Analytics
Customer analytics refers to the processes and technologies that give organizations the insight necessary to deliver offers and...

Five Reasons Why Direct Mail Works!
First, let me address all of the marketing naysayers that don’t promote this tactic and worse claim it isn’t effective anymore… you’re...

Email ‘Beats Just About Everything for ROI’
Well I started to write about this and as often happens this dropped into my mailbox. At a time when social media marketing is the rage,...

Branding With Your Website
Google is definitely a recognizable brand. The familiar name has even been converted to a verb, to describe the act of doing a web...

The Cost of a Missed Call
What do unanswered calls cost your business? Recent studies show 94% of new customers whose calls go unanswered choose to go with another...

Direct Mail is Alive and Well
These days, marketing is all about digital. We are emailing, blogging, Tweeting and Facebooking our little hearts out. So direct mail...

True Engagement
The history of marketing and advertising is heavy with examples of maximizing the value of minimalistic interactions. Impressions, views,...

Email Marketing - Finding the New Revenue Right Under Your Nose
No doubt you’re familiar with the adage about a bird in the hand being worth two in the bush. A quick Google search will reveal that...