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Five Reasons Why Direct Mail Works!

First, let me address all of the marketing naysayers that don’t promote this tactic and worse claim it isn’t effective anymore… you’re wrong! I was going to write this in a different, much softer, more politically correct way, but decided against it.

Now that we have addressed the naysayers, let’s get into why every small business should be doing direct mail. After all, in this interactive age when everyone is blogging, watching YouTube, and updating their status on Facebook, why consider sending a humble postcard? Because it works!

Did you know that response rates for direct mail are 21 times higher than newspaper, 19 times higher than radio and 47 times higher than TV, according to a study by the Direct Marketing Association? Professional marketers still believe in the power of direct mail and so should you. If numbers alone don’t speak to you, here are 5 reasons why direct mail should be one of the tools in your marketing toolbox.

1. Reach - Not everyone subscribes to the newspaper. Not everyone listens to the radio at the same time, on the same station. Not everyone watches TV or browses the Internet. But we all get the mail – every day. Direct mail is the only medium where you can virtually reach every household in your community.

2. Cost – Direct mail is still one the most cost-effective marketing tactics you can do in order each to reach thousands of households.

3. Longer Shelf-Life - Radio and TV ads are gone instantly. Newspaper ads are gone tomorrow. Consumers often hang on to direct mail that they’re interested in for up to 30 days. It’s got your business name, your phone number, and if you’re lucky it might just end up on the refrigerator!

4. Better Targeting – Not only can you personalize the postcard that you are mailing out but you can also use numerous filters to drill down and target the homes that best fit the profile of your customers.

5. Tracking – By using a “call tracking number” on your direct mail, you can track the results and determine which areas to target for future drops.

It’s a proven fact that people love receiving mail. Whether it’s a birthday card or a product ordered online, there’s something to be said about receiving direct mail. It makes people happy. When a package, letter, and so on is addresses to you, it makes you feel special. If a business does this to their prospects, partners, or current clients, you treat them and provide care.

Direct mail shows that you are willing to go that extra mile as a business. There’s something about receiving a hardcopy piece of material that leaves more of an impression. If you have any questions on how to take your direct mail strategy to the next level, let us know. We can help get you there!

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